We assist your company in identifying essential networks, skilled professionals, and viable solutions. The organization of events and specialized workshops stands as a pivotal component of our EDIH service framework. Robocoast EDIH’s gatherings and functions provide your company with unparalleled networking opportunities alongside industry experts, serving as a catalyst for forging strategic partnerships. These events facilitate knowledge dissemination on technology trials, best practices, and innovative applications.

Moreover, we offer invaluable connections and avenues through which your company can actively engage with and capitalize on cutting-edge European research while exploring the latest solutions.

Robocoast EDIH maintains close collaborations with 15 esteemed Finnish universities and numerous digitalization experts, including students. We also leverage the extensive expert network of over 150 European EDIHs.

The organization of events and workshops represents a cornerstone of our EDIH service offerings. Stay updated on these valuable resources by subscribing to our newsletter and participating in our events.

For more information on upcoming events and new business opportunities, please visit our “News & Updates” page.

In Robocoast EDIH matchmaking events, you connect people and create meetings that produce value. The matchmaking and networking service creates networks and helps companies find new strategic partnerships. Subscribe to our newsletter! (Free)

Robocoast EDIH assists companies in finding partners and solutions. If you are interested in the service, please get in touch with us at digikartoitus@robocoast.eu. (Free)

Hackathons with students and technology companies based on the genuine needs of manufacturing companies. You can present a challenge for which you want a solution. Suppose there is no ready-made product or service for your challenge on the market. In that case, we can organize the Challenge Competition to innovate the solution with universities and technology companies. If you are interested in the service, please get in touch with us at digikartoitus@robocoast.eu. (Free)

A demo day -event is essentially a showcase day in which technology companies and start-ups are invited to pitch their product to potential users/manufacturing companies and provide a demo. Alternatively, students can present the demo solutions they made during their study exercises. Subscribe to our newsletter! (Free)

Robocoast EDIH manages a series of professionally moderated and topic-specific roundtables. Roundtable events are organised case by case; sometimes, we have workshops and discussion forums only, and sometimes, we can share challenges and try to solve them. The roundtable events aim to find development topics of common interest to companies and universities, based on which a more comprehensive project collaboration can be initiated. Subscribe to our newsletter!

The recruitment -events are focused on attracting students from all over Europe. The primary goal is to connect companies with students. Subscribe to our newsletter! (Free)