- Lessons can be completed in any order.
- Sections can be completed in any order.
- Course has no deadline.
This short course will give the learners a taste of what NLP is all about and how it can be utilized to process and Analyze large volumes of text automatically.
To this end, it introduces learners to some of the basic tasks in NLP such as pre-processing, similarity measurement, and N-gram language models.
Date: 13th, 20th and 27th of January 2025
Time: 13.00 - 14.00 (gmt), 14.00-15.00 (cet), 15.00-16.00 (eet)
Who is this course for:
This course is targeted to anyone who has basic programming skills in Python (e.g., conditions, loops, functions, OOP) and aims to learn more about basics of NLP.
For those who want to test and consolidate their own learning, there is an optional assignment.
Why you should do this course:
2. No prior knowledge of AI or NLP needed.
3. Reboot Certificate of Completion
13th January: Basic of text processing including Regular Expressions (Regex), tokenization, normalization, and stemming.
20th January: Minimum Edit Distance as a way of measuring the similarity between two strings
27th January: Statistical language modelling using N-grams
For further information: linda.Keane@ul.ie
REBOOT SKILLS is an EU co-funded project aiming at advancing digital skills in companies of the Manufacturing Industry, so that they can understand and exploit the full potential of digitalization in their production and business. It is an international project with partners from Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Ireland and Italy.