- Lessons can be completed in any order.
- Sections can be completed in any order.
- Course has no deadline.
Date: March 11th, 12th and 13th, 2025
Time: 9-11AM CET
Language: English.
Transform the way you approach maintenance management: learn how to minimize downtime and maximize productivity.
Whether you’re taking the first steps towards implementing smart maintenance strategies or aiming to enhance your existing protocols, this three day online course will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage the health of your machinery and improve overall operational efficiency:
March 11th: Masterclass in the Foundations of Condition Monitoring - Dive into the essentials of condition monitoring. Learn to identify potential failures before they disrupt your operations.
March 12th: Deep dive into Signal Classification and Bearing Failure Modes - for critical components like Gears and bearings are critical components. This deep dive aims to help you understand their failure modes.
March 13th: Advanced Diagnostics and Prognostics - Expand your knowledge into robust diagnostics and the art of prognostics, including techniques to predict the remaining useful life of machinery. This knowledge is crucial for planning maintenance and avoiding unexpected downtime.
- Comprehend the significance of failure mode and criticality assessments.
- Choose appropriate monitoring techniques for various equipment.
- Implement these techniques effectively within their operations.
- Engage knowledgeably with technical experts and service providers specializing in smart maintenance solutions.
Prerequisite: Basic understanding of measurements and modelling in an industrial context is recommended.
Konstantinos Gryllias, Professor @Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics (LMSD), KU Leuven
Fernando de la Hucha Arce, Research Engineer @Monitoring – Motion Systems, Flanders Make
Participation is free of charge, please register via the link below. You will receive the online participation link shortly before the event.
Registering: https://www.flandersmake.be/en/events/intro-condition-monitoring-and-smart-maintenance
Contact person: Laurent.declercq@flandersmake.be
REBOOT SKILLS is an EU co-funded project aiming at advancing digital skills in companies of the Manufacturing Industry, so that they can understand and exploit the full potential of digitalization in their production and business. It is an international project with partners from Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Ireland and Italy.