Robocoast Digital Learning on lyhyt verkkokoulutusalusta yritysten koulutustarpeisiin. Koulutusalustamme tarjoaa laajan valikoiman koulutuspaketteja aiheeltaan kyberturvallisuutta, tekoälyä, robotiikkaa, teollista internettiä jne. Verkko-oppimisympäristö mahdollistaa yritysten ja henkilöstön jatkuvan ja joustavan kouluttautumisen, opiskelu on mahdollista myös mobiililaitteella ja jokainen käyttäjä voi suorittaa koulutuksen itselleen sopivan aikataulun mukaisesti. Robocoast Digital Learning -koulutusalustaa voidaan käyttää suorituskyvyn seuraamiseen.

Laserteknologia osana meriteollisuuden digitaalista siirtymää

Tervetuloa tutustumaan laserpuhdistustekniikan mahdollisuuksiin laivanrakennus- ja pakkausteollisuudessa! Kurssilla opit: Nykyisten[…]


Häirintäyhdyshenkilö on tärkeä tukihenkilö, johon voi luottaa, jos kokee tulleensa häirityksi. Häirintä voi ilmetä monin tavoin, kuten[…]

Venture Creation Course — Part 2


Join the course to see full details! The course is completely free.<\/p>\n"'>Advance your innovation journey with the Venture Creation Course Part 2. This dynamic online program focuses on teamwork, mentorship, and practical[…]

Digital twins for advanced materials and sustainable structures


Join the course to see full details! The course is completely free.<\/p>\n"'>Enhance your expertise in advanced materials and sustainable structures with the Digital Twins course, an advanced program designed for students,[…]

From first principles to machine learning methods in materials informatics

Explore the intersection of computational materials science and machine learning with the From First Principles to Machine Learning Methods in[…]

Advanced Ceramic Nanocomposites

Discover the fascinating world of ceramic nanocomposites in this advanced course designed for undergraduate and graduate students in materials[…]

Manifold Learning

Advance your expertise in machine learning with the Manifold Learning course, the latest offering in the BOOSTalent series. This advanced-level[…]

Ab initio calculations of electronic properties of materials with Quantum ESPRESSO package

Explore the electronic properties of materials with Ab initio calculations in this introductory course focused on the Quantum ESPRESSO package.[…]

Machine Learning in Atomistic Materials Science

Dive into the innovative field of machine learning in atomistic materials science with this intermediate-level online course. Designed for[…]

Unsupervised Machine Learning

Master the fundamentals of unsupervised machine learning with this comprehensive online course. Explore key techniques such as principal component[…]

Supervised Machine Learning

Master Supervised Machine Learning! Unlock the potential of supervised learning in this engaging online course designed for students and[…]

Fundamentals of deformation and fracture of materials and structures

Master the Fundamentals of Deformation and Fracture of Materials and Structures! The Fundamentals of Deformation and Fracture of Materials and[…]

Advanced powder technologies 2

Dive into Advanced Powder Technologies! Expand your expertise in nanostructured materials with the Advanced Powder Technologies online course. This[…]

Methods for studying structure and properties of steels and alloys

Master the Methods for Studying the Structure and Properties of Steels and Alloys! Discover the essential techniques for analyzing the chemical[…]

Fundamentals of phase transformations in metals and alloys

Explore the Fundamentals of Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys! Deepen your understanding of phase transformations in metals and alloys with[…]

Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning


Join the course to see full details! The course is completely free.<\/p>\n"'>Master the Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning! Delve into the core mathematical principles behind machine learning algorithms with this[…]

Machine Learning in Materials Lifecycle

Discover the Power of Machine Learning in the Materials Lifecycle! Explore how machine learning transforms every stage of the materials lifecycle in[…]

Advanced Powder Technologies

Elevate Your Expertise with Advanced Powder Technologies! Gain in-depth knowledge of cutting-edge powder technologies in this advanced-level online[…]

Introduction to Powder Technologies

Master the Fundamentals of Powder Technologies. Delve into the world of nanostructured materials with this intermediate-level online course on powder[…]

Density functional theory for computational materials design

Unlock the Basics of Density Functional Theory for Materials Design. Explore the foundational principles of density functional theory (DFT) in this[…]

Venture Creation Course SEEDplus

Turn Your Ideas into Market-Ready Innovations with SEEDplus. Discover the essentials of venture creation with the SEEDplus course, designed for[…]

Tools of Machine Learning

Master the Basics of Machine Learning Tools! Dive into the fundamentals of machine learning with this beginner-level online course, part of the[…]

Fundamentals of materials science

Explore the Basics of Materials Science. Begin your journey into materials science with this free online introductory course, designed for students,[…]

Fundamentals of materials joining and processing

Master the Fundamentals of Material Joining and Welding. Explore the physical, chemical, and mechanical processes behind material joining in this[…]

Instagramin salat – Workshop

Asiantunteva kouluttajamme Anna Saari, johdattaa sinut aiheeseen puolentoista tunnin mittaisella teorialuennolla Instagramin maailmasta, termeistä[…]

Canva Workshop – Opit termit ja perusteet

Anna Saari johdattaa sinut 1,5h koulutuksessa Canvan saloihin. Teorian lomassa pääset harjoittelemaan erilaisten toimintojen käyttöä ja saat[…]

Hållbart strategiskt ledarskap, 1 sp

Lediga platser: Ja Pris: Ingen avgift Anmälningstid: 20.11.2024 08:00 - 3.3.2025 23:59 Omfattning: 1[…]

Cirkulär ekonomi, 1 sp

Lediga platser: Ja Pris: Ingen avgift Anmälningstid: 20.11.2024 08:00 - 27.1.2025 23:59 Omfattning: 1[…]

Programmin Basic Skills (Python)

The programming course will teach you the basics of Python. It will for example enable you to better understand of how data are analysed, which[…]

Henkilöstön tietoturvaosaamisen kehittäminen – Jamk
Kyberturvallisuusdirektiivi NIS2 – Jamk

Kurssilla käsitellään EU:n asettamaa NIS2-direktiiviä, ja sen tuomia vaatimuksia organisaatioille. Kurssilla käydään läpi direktiivin[…]

Fundamentals of Sustainability in Wireless Networking

Training on sustainability in the context of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and specifically wireless networking. This fully[…]

Showcase your data – Free Data Visualization training

Join this fully funded self-paced training to learn how to transform your data to create impactful visuals! Understand the concepts of data[…]

Synchonizing physical and digital twins

Join us in this fully funded training and master the concepts of Digital Twins, learn how to effectively implement this technology in practice.[…]

Data-analytiikka, tekoäly ja niiden soveltaminen

Tämän kurssin on tarkoitus vastata sellaisiin kysymyksiin, kuten onko koneoppiminen sama asia kuin tekoäly? Mitä ovat ohjattu ja ohjaamaton[…]

Digitalisaatio ja datan hyödyntäminen – Jamk

Tämän kurssin on tarkoitus auttaa ymmärtämään mitä hyötyä datasta on yritykselle. Kurssi vastaa mm. kysymyksiin: mistä dataa tulee, ja[…]

Maatilan kyberturvallisuuskoulutus

Osallistu maatilan kyberturvallisuuskoulutukseen ja opi suojaamaan tilasi digitaaliset resurssit tehokkaasti! Kurssilla pääset[…]